Well, quite a lot actually. I’m not saying we’ve all got the swagger of Liam Gallagher, or the Ziggy Stardust fashion sense of Bowie. Nor, do we all play guitars, or know our way around a recording studio (although some do). And I’d confidently say, none of us are going around with diva-like demands, or are smashing up hotel rooms. Most likely we’ll be littering the walls with post-its, hand-written using Sharpies.
But, there are many aspects of being a rockstar, that BAs do share in common. So much so, at Herd Consulting — we refer to ourselves as a rockstar business analysis consultancy.
Here’s our top 5 reasons to convince you that good business analysis, really is rock ’n’ roll.

You wouldn’t see a rockstar, ditching their genre. They love what they do. And that’s no different for most BAs. Sure, we could easily go on and become the next CEO of a major global firm, as many do. But they’re still using their inner BA and BA mindset day in, day out. Organisations, and the world around us is constantly evolving in its complexity. That means lots more challenges, and lots more opportunities. With our change know how, curiosity, and BA tookit — we’re often best placed to take on the role of lead singer in any delivery team, as well as providing the backing rhythm when needed.

Now I’m not suggesting we should charge £100 a ticket to come along to one of our gigs (also sometimes known as workshops, show and tells, or presentations). But, the most impactful BAs know who their audience is, and engages with them. Equally as importantly, they keep them engaged. Maybe even some of their stakeholders and users, end up becoming fans too.

There’s no point recording the best songs, if no-one is ever going to hear it. Similarly, business analysis shouldn’t be confined to just artefacts. It needs to be brought alive, it needs to be seen and heard. Without it, how will it ever challenge thinking, solve a problem, or guide and enable decisions to be made. Business analysts at the top of their game, make an event out of sharing their analysis, they make it easy and memorable to engage with. They provide recommendations, or calls to action. Dare I say, it might even be the beginnings of a catchy hit.

Lyrics are a subjective topic, so we’ll steer away from the taxonomy of what good lyrics are, other than to say — the best usually tell a story. As professional business analysts, we’re always telling a story albeit likely with more precision and clarity than a song does. We’re discovering and writing a story (not necessarily just user stories), to guide delivery teams on what it is we’re doing and why we’re doing it. To have a clear specification of what’s required, and what’s not. Ultimately to ensure we’re all thinking about the same thing, and are heading to the same destination.

Vinyl, cassettes, CDs, MP3s, streaming services. The world of music is constantly evolving. Remember music video channels? Rockstars are always having to keep up with the world of technology, and the changing commercial landscape around them. Business analysis is no different. Given most of us work in Digital or Change environments, we’re often at the forefront of progression and new thinking, whether that be Tech led or not. Therefore to survive and thrive, we’re having to regularly invest in our knowledge and skills, broadening our experience, and expanding our networks.
Part 2 coming soon…
Want to collaborate with us on your next hit? (projects or programmes also accepted)
For us at Herd, these form our guiding principles of what business analysis is and should be. Whether we’re working with clients on their digital delivery and transformation objectives, or helping them to improve the impact of their existing practice. Just don’t expect us to sing, or bring a drum kit with us!
Get in touch if you’d like to have a chat, or find out more.
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Authored by:
Jamie Toyne, Founder & Director
Fave Arctic Monkeys Song (at time of writing, changes regularly): Snap Out of It
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