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Product Delivery

Whether you’re starting out or you’re already in the middle of something

“Simplicity and value focus is our differentiator”

Product is about aiming at the best possible outcomes. This is what we do. We’re a team of expert product people who lead teams towards the most desirable, viable, and feasible opportunities. We shaped the product management role in Central Government and work across Local Government, Charity and Higher Education.

Benefits of our Service

Aims teams and products aiming at increasingly valuable improvements
Help develop the internal reputation of your product profession
Alignment/use of Portfolio, Digital Spend Control, Service Standard end-to-end phases
Creates space to pivot when conditions change (fitting context)
More valuable products and more motivated teams
Proven at developing communities of practice at scale
Outcome-focussed decisions, working across Senior, Lead, Head of DD/CPO-levels
Insights on why/how and what the profession is in Government
We lead cross-public sector Product Leaders network: supporting broader collaboration
Got a Question?

Answers to some common questions we get asked…

Either get in touch via the site, or feel free to reach out to Scott Colfer, our Director of Product over LinkedIn.

Head over to our Frameworks area in the first instance, here you can find all of the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks we’re on, as well as numerous others.

Check out our Frameworks area, here you can find all of the procurement frameworks we’re currently on. Alternatively get in touch if you want to chat through or discuss other options.

Absolutely! We provide coaching and mentoring to established teams, as well as can help introduce Product thinking into organisations. If you’re looking to develop a steady talent pipeline of new product folk, check out our Talent Herd service.

Short answer is yes! But not just the Service Standard, we also consider and work to the Technology Code of Practice too.

Yes, definitely. Our Product Delivery is offered to all sectors. Including Higher Education, Financial Services, Local Authorities, Insurance, Retail/eCommerce, and everything else in-between.

All of them! SFIA Levels 3 to 7, Associate through to Head of and Director of.

Case Studies (coming soon)
Experts, built on experience

Our team has been delivering and shaping

Product across public sector since 2010.